Privacy & HIPPA Compliance
Effective April 14, 2003, the United States Government regulators established privacy rules (HIPAA) governing protected health information. The privacy of your medical information is important to us. This notice describes how your medical information can be used, and about certain rights you have.
This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully.
Faiz Rahman, MD, Chief Medical Officer, is in-charge of privacy matters at Community Urgent Care. You can contact him at 313-792-1200 if you desire further information or have any question or concerns.
Use and Disclosure of Protected Information
Federal Law provides that we may use your medical information (protected health information) for treatment of you, without further specific notice to you, or written authorization by you. If we refer you to a specialist, we may provide laboratory or test data to that specialist ( subject to more stringent Michigan Laws, such as restriction on disclosure of information concerning HIV/AIDS).
Federal Law provides that we may use your medical information to obtain payment for our services without further specific notice to you, or written authorization by you. Under your health plan, we are required to provide them with a diagnosis code for your visit and a description of the services rendered.
Federal Law provides that we may use you medical information for healthcare operations without further specific notice to you, or written authorization by you. Our accountants may see your name, dates of treatment and procedure codes during audits of our books. We may use your information for financial services, quality assurance, risk reduction and claim management purposes with our medical professional liability insurer.
We may use or disclose your medical information, without further notice to you, or written authorization by you, where:
- Required by law
- Required for public health purposes
- Required by law to report child abuse
- Required by Health Oversight Agency for oversight activities authorized by law, such as department of health and human services, office of professional discipline or office of medical conduct
- Required by law in judicial or administrative proceedings
- Required for law enforcement services by a law enforcement official
- Required by a coroner or medical examiner
- Permitted by law to a funeral director
- Permitted by law for organ donation purposes
- Permitted by law to avert a serious threat to health and safety
- Permitted by law and required by military authorities if you are a member of the armed forces of the United States
Michigan State law provides additional protection for information regarding HIV/AIDS. We will continue to follow Michigan State law with respect to such information.
We may contact you by mail or phone, at your residence, to remind you of appointments or to provide information about treatment alternatives. Unless you instruct us otherwise, we may leave a message on any answering device or with any person who answers the phone at your residence.
You can make reasonable requests, in writing, for us to use alternative methods of communicating with you in a confidential manner.
Other uses or disclosures of your medical information will be made only with your written authorization. You have the right to revoke any written authorization that you give.