In the event of a serious illness or injury, patients may become incapable of making healthcare decisions for themselves. In these situations, end of life decisions are the most difficult decisions one will ever have to make . Patient Self Determination Act and State Laws protect your rights to accept or refuse medical treatments.
Advance Directives are a form of written expressions on your behalf when you are unable to make a healthcare decision. Advance Directives are put in place to protect your own healthcare choices.
A "Durable Power of Attorney" (DOPA), "Patient Advocate Designation" (PAD) and "Living Will" are examples of Advance Directives.
Durable Power of Attorney (DOPA)
This document allows you to name a person (someone you trust) to carry out your healthcare wishes in an event you are not able to do so for yourself.
Patient Advocate Designation (PAD)
This is a person designated by you to speak on your behalf to make sure to carry out your wishes.
Living Will
This document informs doctors, family members and others what type of medical treatments to accept or refuse in an event you cannot make healthcare decisions for yourself. Examples: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), Artificial Ventilation.