On-Site Services

FLU Shots, B-12 Shots, Tdap and Tetanus Injections

FLU Season is here. Please get your flu shot today!, We also provide B-12 Shots, Tdap (Adacel) is now indicated to protect against Pertusis (Whooping Cough) for any adult expecting a Newborn or will be taking care of a Newborn. Although Tetanus is included in the Adacel, individual Tetanus Booster shot is also available.

Laboratory (LAB) Services

Rapid STREP Test, Mono Test, Influenza A and B, PPD (TB Test, Urinaylsis (UA), Glucometer Blood Glucose, CBC and Chemistry Panel. For Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI), Physician may obtain Vaginal Sample, Blood and or Urine Sample for STI.

Electrocardiogram (ECG)

ECG is one of the initial tools used to assess Heart Functionality. ECG is often used initially when patients are experiencing Cheat Pains, irregular heart rhythms and especially if it is associated with shortness of breath, nausea and dizziness. Patients may not always experience chest pains or irregular heart rhythms.

Nebulized Treatments (Breathing Treatments)

Patients experiencing acute shortness of breath from worsening Asthma and or COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) symptoms may benefit from Albuterol nebulized treatments to help them breath better.

Antibiotic, Steroid, Pain, and Anti-Nausea Shots

Shortness of breath from Asthma, COPD, Allergic Reactions or Bee Stings can be frightening. To help you breath better, physician may give you a Steroid injection. Patients experiencing moderate pain may benefit from Toradol Injections. Patients experiencing nausea may benefit from Tigan injections.

Digital X-Rays

We do offer State of the Art Digital X-Rays on the premises. X-Rays are often needed for suspect bone fracture or other underlying disease process. Examining physician will decide if you need an X-Ray.